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馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了!1 Day Trip in Malacca With RM 50!! **HotelRoom Mag**
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
A bus only cost you RM 1.20 per route and a cab may cost you up to RM10. Obviously, take a bus always.

How to take a bus from Melaka Sentral (main bus station in Malacca) to Malacca historical sites? 如何搭巴士前往古城區?

[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
At Melaka Sentral, take domestic bus number 17 at the 7th platform in the Melaka Sentral Bus Terminal. The bus is green in colour, with 『Town Bus』 clearly written on the sides and an 『Ocean」 signboard on the front. Get off the bus at the Christ Church near the Dutch Square.

As for the return trip, taking the bus on the same bus stand would be a longer journey. I suggest that you walk to the end of Jonker Street, turn left, get on the bus in front of SJK (C) Pay Fong 1. A single journey costs RM1.20.
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
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乘 搭公共運輸前往的朋友可從馬六甲巴士總站對內交通第七月台的17號巴士,綠色車身,寫著『Town Bus』字眼,另車前也擺放標註『Ocean』的牌子。下車地點為荷蘭紅屋區的教堂旁,另一側是馬六甲河,河的對岸便是舊城區(包括雞場街在內)。而回 程,在同樣地點上車會兜較遠的路程,故建議走至雞場街盡頭以後左拐,在培風第一華文小學(簡稱為『培一小學』)前的巴士站上車。車費單程為RM1.20。
2 Walking is the best way to discover the town 走路是最好的遊覽方式
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]

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Stop whenever you like, go whenever you think you should go, free and easy, free of charge.
3 Sign up for a free historical sites walking tour with Malacca Tourist Information Centre 參加旅遊局免費導覽
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]

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The Tourist Information Centre is situated by the Malacca River near Stadhuy (where you get down from the town bus). Come over on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday as there will only be free tour provided during these 3 days. (read more)

4 Go for antique house, art gallery and museum hopping 逛古董店、藝廊、博物館
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
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There are a lot of antique shops, art galleries, and also museums around the historical area. Most of the are of free admission, you can visit to them freely as you like. There are quite a number of local or overseas artists living in the old streets area, and they combine their living spaces with their workshops and also galleries. Interesting places indeed.

For some museum with admission fee, such as the Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, you should think twice when you are planning to skip. The professional tour in the museum to introduce the way Baba Nyonya used to live and to explain the well-preserved structure of a traditional Baba Nyonya house is a worthy one which I always enjoy. (read more)
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
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馬 六甲老街上其實住了好一些國內外的著名藝術家,他們在老房子裡生活,也在老房子裡創作。當然,也在老房子裡展示作品,希望遇見懂得賞識自己的伯樂。這些藝 術畫廊大部分都是免入門票的,有時候雖然我們沒有錢,沒有能力賦予這些藝術者實際的支持,但是當你願意踏入這些店裡花點時間仔細欣賞他們的作品,對畫家而 言也已經是最好的鼓勵!
5 Pay a visit to Jonker Street 逛雞場街
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
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Jonker Street is the most iconic street in Malacca old town. Due to its strategic geographical location, this area used to be the most important trade route. Today, thanks to tourism, Jonker Street remains as one of the most happening spots in the town. It has several names. In English language it is known as Jonker Street. Some said that this name originated from a Dutch word 「Jonkvrouw」 which means the Dutch royals. Its Chinese name 「Ji Chang Jie」 originated from a Hokkien word which refers to a street for trading and shopping. Another one of its names is Antique Street. Once upon a time, antique shops were extremely common along the street. However, only a few of the antique shops are still standing here. Jonker Street is also called the Chinese Association Street. Within a short distance of half a kilometre, there are seven Chinese associations established here as an evidence of the migration history of local Chinese. (read more)
**Note: Walking around means walking around and not buying any fancy thing that has caught your eyes, always remember that you have only RM50 in your pocket!!
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]

雞 場街是馬六甲老街區最具有代表性的一條街道。從前因為地理位置的關係,它是最繁華的商業街道。而現在因為旅遊業興盛,它仍然是熱鬧無比的一條老街。它有很 多不同的名字。英語稱作Jonker Street,有人說這個名字的來源是荷蘭語「Jonkvrouw」,是荷蘭貴族的意思。中文的雞場街則出自閩南語,「雞場」是「街場」的諧音,指採買購 物的街道,印證了它作為一條商業街的角色。其餘名字例如古董街,則是因為曾經有一段日子,街道上滿是古董店,風光之象非現今可以相比。還有還有,會館街這 個名字倒是直到現在還是非場合宜的,因為短短五百米的街道上就有7間會館宗祠林立,是馬六甲華人在這裡落地生根的證明。(閱讀更多
6 Pay a visit to street next to Jonker Street (Temple Street) 逛廟街
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
When we talk about TEMPLE STREET, most people will straight away think of the famous Temple Street in Hong Kong. Very few people get to know that there is actually an old street in Malacca which is also named by TEMPLE STREET. It is just situated beside JONKER WALK, laying down silently for the tourists to discover.
The main attraction on the street will be the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple, a traditional Chinese temple with more than 3 hundred-years of history. (read more)
**Note: Walking around means walking around and not buying any fancy thing that has caught your eyes, always remember that you have only RM50 in your pocket!!
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
大 部分的人一聽到廟街這個名字,立刻聯想到的,應該就是香港那條常常出現在港劇里,熱鬧非凡的廟街了。但是對於馬六甲而言,廟街這個名字,指的可就不僅僅只 是香港廟街。著名的雞場街隔壁,就有一條叫做廟街的老街道,官方名字為Temple Street,跟香港廟街如出一轍。
7 Pay a visit to streets around Jonker Street 逛其它老街和小巷
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
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The old street area has more than the 2 above streets. Heeren Street (Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock), Goldsmith Street, Ironsmith Street and etc, help yourself around to discover.
**Note: Walking around means walking around and not buying any fancy thing that has caught your eyes, always remember that you have only RM50 in your pocket!!
8 Eat some local cuisines 吃地道美食
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]
Do you notice that you are not spending any single cents until now? Unless you have taken my advice and visit to Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, and that may cost you entrance fee for about RM 15. The leftover is ALL FOR FOOD~ Another great news is, if you do not choose to dine in in a nicely decorated cafe or restaurant, the local food stall will always cost you around RM6-8 per meal including drink! (read more)
[Bilingual] 馬六甲一日游RM50就夠了![華英版]





